In the Bocas del Toro province there are two domestic airports: at Bocas del Toro town, in Colon Island, and in Changuinola. Actually there are not direct flys between David and Changuinola or Bocas del Toro.
One airline travel between Panama City (Albrook Airport) and Bocas del Toro and Changuinola:
AIR PANAMA. Consult the website to know the schedules and prices of the flights.
Travelling from Panama City, take the bus to Bocas del Toro in the Panama Albrook terminal. It stops in the crossroads of Rambala (8 hours), in Almirante (9.5 hours) and in Changuinola (11 hours).
Traveling from David, Take the bus to Bocas del Toro in the city terminal. Times: to Rambala (2 hs), Almirante (3.5 hs) and Changuinola (4 hs).
If you are going to the Archipelago, leave the bus in Almirante and take a taxi to the marine taxis terminal.
Traveling from Panama City take the Panamerican Highway up to the entrance to Gualaca (404 Km). Turn to the right and the road to Chiriqui Grande (98 Km) and then, at Rambala (90 km), in a crossroads where there are a gas station and a restaurant, turn to the left, taking the road to Almirante (68 km) and Changuinola (98 km).
Roads are paved, in good condition. Beautiful views in the mountains.
If you are going to the Archipelago stop in Almirante, where you can leave the car in a parking lot or take the
FERRY to Bocas del Toro.
If you are going to Chiriqui Grande, at the crossroads of Rambala, go straight 8 km more.
Traveling from David, take the Panamerican Highway up to the entrance to Gualaca (10 Km). Turn to the left and go to the end of the road to Chiriqui Grande (98 Km). Then follow the instructions above.